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Check out the incredible 14 song "Love Song/Valentine's Day" Book/Learning Trax offer!

Advanced Arranger's Self-Guided Workshop Book (purchase)
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Preview Alternatives

By law, I can not send out music for previewing.  However you have 3 alternatives to get the job done.

  1. You may immediately listen to the thousands of FREE 1 minute sample audio song demos I have available. 
  2. You may purchase (for immediate download) "full length song demos."  These are $2 for each song title.  To find these song titles, just look for the $2 items in the men's and women's product lists.
  3. You may purchase (for immediate download) pre-packaged, full length song demos (28 to 32 songs per group) for $15 for each group.  There are currently 5 groups available for men and 6 groups available for women.  From the (white) drop-down menu in the middle of the home page, select either "Men's Arrangement Demos" or "Women's arrangement Demos."  You may also use the (green) Categories drop-down menu on the home page (upper-left corner), selecting again, either "Men's Arrangement Demos" or "Women's arrangement Demos.